
nihon94 wrote on 9/14/2010, 2:06 AM



Your question is very easy and answer is very difficult. These command depends on purpose it is used for.

Though to you it will be same a copied item and imported item but the purpose, command and functions are different according to the software you are using.


Here is easy explanation.

While using computer when we use Copy Command Ctrl+C the item that could be Text, audio, video, photo, a folder a file etc is copied on Program's Clip Board and when we use Command Ctrl+V the copied item is pasted in to the place where we want. However, the original remain same. Same as, if your friend want a copy of a Photo you got you will make an extra copy while you keep the original. Same goes to Photo copies.


About Import,

We use this command to import Text, audio, video, photo, a folder a file etc saved on computer or on other drives. but in importing it does not add on Clip Board on computer, we can not paste it where we want like in case of copy. We have to import any items saved as it is. We can also use OPEN/LOAD command instead import. There are various ways but all depends on need and usage.


I think this answer might help you