What is causing this?

Undercover_J wrote on 12/23/2022, 12:24 PM

Please can someone tell me what is causing music maker to no longer play from the red pin but always starts at the beginning. When this happens, when you create a new track and see 16 bars in yellow above timeline, it turns into a tiny square.


SP. wrote on 12/23/2022, 12:41 PM

@Undercover_J To expand the yellow loop bar again please click on the magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner of the arranger window and then switch to another view mode. This should reset the bar length.

If you can reproduce this bug each time then please create a support ticket and tell support your method step-by-step. This bug couldn't be fixed by now because it cannot be reproduced in a reliable way and just sometimes happens.

Undercover_J wrote on 12/23/2022, 1:32 PM

SP you have helped again, you are respected highly. Please continue helping others, you will be blessed in heaven else they'll have me to answer to :)

i'll keep my eye out for the bug, the very last one was change .vst instrument, loading a new one up for midi tracks. (happened before i noticed this with Lowdown Synth). Maybe when theres so many midi with different instruments, changing another one above or below one, messes up the timeline inputing it?