What is and where do you find your "ComputerID*" ?

cvictors wrote on 12/6/2008, 12:11 PM

I have been trying to figure out how to burn my show onto a CD and in order to do that it says I have to have an activation code.  In order to get the activation code it asks for a computerID* and I have no clue what that is or where to find it.  I have called the services for my computer and even they were confused.


ralftaro wrote on 12/8/2008, 9:58 AM

How do you go about getting this code? Apparently you want to activate the MPEG-2 codec. For the regular MPEG-2 online activation procedure, you wouldn't need to manually enter the computer ID code anywhere. You just need to click on the button to order the code online and follow the on-screen procedure. This requires a direct Internet connection of the system, which you probably have.

That said, if you really need to know what the ID code is, you will find it under the post/fax activation button in the MPEG-2 activation dialog. It is used to identify your configuration and serves as the basis to create the actual activation code on.

I hope this helps.