Like others I have tried to VPX 13 and have gone back to version 12 for the time being as it was crashing over and over and with Black Screens and very laggy output
Error in module "Video_Pro_X.exe" (Load address: 0x0000000140000000) to address 0x00000001403335E6 (Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION")
Anyways whilst I was testing I notice that the option to centre a cropped video now is gone? This is definately one of the features I use over and over with version 12 that I am going to surely miss. Unless it has been moved elsewhere?
Normally I use it recentre my cropped video once I have cropped out the video in my case VHS Capture that is to crop away the head switching noise and closed captions at the top and other noisy edges at the left and right sides then leave it as non full screen so VPX just fills with Black Bars all around (Masking) and then use the size/position to set to Original Size (cropped) and then click the centre buttons horizonal and vertical to recentre the newly cropped and masked video into the 4:3 frame dead centre. In the new version it now looks like the only way to do this is by eye which is no good.
So if possible please re-instate the centre video in the frame buttons again.