website maker 4 crashes Firefox & More

websites1 wrote on 7/20/2010, 3:38 PM
Does anyone know why it is all my sites have no back buttons on any browsers and if you attempt to use the mouse back button on firfox it crashes every single time. Ive tried everything including a system reboot (complete) just incase it was my pc or a highjacker etc. Can others try and see if they have the same problem with one of my sites

Its not a great advertisment to my customers. All addons and systems are fully updated and im using Magix website maker 4 (easy plus). I thank anyone that can advice me.


Man o' Lakes wrote on 7/29/2010, 4:06 AM
Hi there,
your title is a misnomer, as flash sites don't crash Firefox et al, but I understand what your problem is. Flash based sites, such as Website Maker sites and many others, won't browser back when you click on the return button. This is normal.

There are tricks touted on the web, which you may or may not want to try out, I left it, as it isn't a fault, but typical for flash based sites. Typically -

Get the latest version of your Internet Browser, apply settings

- allow cookies

-disable pop up blocker (i.e. allow pop ups)

-javascript on

-latest version of flash player.

That's always important.

Cheers, M o' L