Wavy footage on Vidoe Pro X4

Tenacious wrote on 2/26/2013, 4:38 PM


For some reason when previewing my footage on Video Pro X4, the lines appear wavy when there is movement. It's almost like looking in a crazy mirror and seeing your image distorted? This only happens when there is movement. I've re-installed Pro X incase the drivers were corrupted but no change.

The thing is, when I play the exact same footage on Movie Edt Pro MX premium it as all ok?


Footage is low-res SD.

CPU intel i5

Windows 7 64bit


I am unsure as to what has caused this....any suggestions??









cpc000cpc wrote on 2/26/2013, 6:13 PM


It's hard to give any definite answer without knowing what you video source is and whether or not you see these problems when viewing the material in any other viewer eg Windows Media Player.

One thought though is 'interlace' artifacts -- see: http://www.100fps.com/ There are several places for controlling de-interlacing under 'File' >> 'Program settings'.

Another comes to mind... Some video cameras have rather slow shutters speeds. I don't mean filming speeds like 25 or 30  frames per second, but how long it takes to record a singe frame. If the shutter is open for 1/1000 of a sec twenty-five times a second then every frame will be sharp (no motion blur). If the shutter is open for 1/50 of a second then moving objects will be somewhat blurred. In some cameras the issue is not exactly how long the 'shutter' is open but the fact that the image is being recorder a line at a time and thus produces distortions like those of slow focal plane shutters in old still cameras.

 Or modern video!  



Tenacious wrote on 2/28/2013, 7:40 AM

Hi Carl, and thank you for your response.

I think there may be some confusion as to what my issue is. There isn't as such an issue with the footage and it's shutter speed as the footage plays fine on other players. I did mention that the footage also plays fine on Movie Edit pro MX premium. So i' thinking there may be an issue within Video Pro X4 in this case??

I have checked the programe settings and they are the same in both programs.


Whereas I can appreciate there is sure to be more issues with lower quality footage, due to the point you are raising, I'm not sure this is what's causing this. Incidentally, the 'wavy' distorted lines upon movement are made worse when sharpness and clarity is added.


Thanks for any advice.

