Waves V9 VST's not showing in ACID

Adam-Dorval wrote on 2/25/2023, 6:04 PM

Does anyone else have this issue, or has anyone figured out a fix for it?

I have done a fresh format/reinstall and for whatever reason only the VST3 versions of my waves plugins are showing up in ACID, when the VST2's used to as well prior to the format/reinstall.

One problem with this is ACID doesnt seem to be keeping the settings from the VST2 versions and applying them to the VST3s. So it loads the VST3 versions appropriately to replace the VST2s, but wipes all the settings to default for each plugin.

I really need to carry some of these projects forward for a client and i cannot rebuild them because i would either need to know all the settings for every single VST, or remix them completely which will likely produce slightly different results (not to mention the time i cannot affoard to spend). I thought initially it was an update to the ACID build that i didnt have installed before, but i have tried a couple of older builds and they have the same issue. The VST2's appear in Sound Forge, and in full on older versions of ACID, but i cannot open the project files with the older versions of ACID Pro.

I can see the VST scanner scanning the VST2 waveshell DLL so i know ACID sees it, but it is not adding any of the plugins from it. I have tried a number of things, ccleaner, microsoft fixit tools, compatibility mode, changing the dll file names, reformatting again and reinstalling, MAGIX support supplied me with some older builds to try, but all to no avail.

I am hesitant to update my waves version 1) because it would be hella expensive, and 2) because waves got rid of VST2 versions all together in their newer versions.

Is there perhaps something in my Windows 10 that might be causing this, like a driver or an optional windows update that i used to have that i dont, etc?

Is there a way for me to read or extract the VST settings from the .acd files?

Any other ideas?


Adam-Dorval wrote on 2/28/2023, 1:08 PM

In case this helps others:

I have gotten my hands on an installer for version 8.0.8, and it works properly with the Waves VST2s. Something in one of the patches since that version broke the waveshell scanning for VST2 plugins.

From here i am able to manually replace each plugin with it's VST3 version and manually copy the settings across.

DannyNYC wrote on 5/1/2023, 10:37 AM

this is prob too late to help you, but you have to setup your plugins on the first tab (the same grouping as the explorer tab) and hit the little f with an x thru it icon on the upper right side. there you have to specify every location containing your vst. then you have to recompile the list and before doing so, check the box next to "Force Rebuild" Your vsts should all be available if they were installed correctly in the locations you specified. hope that helps u or somebody else!