I have been reading the manual..... trying to source info and use the correct terms. I am a retired IT guy, that started out doing Home and small business computer repair / networking (retired now). use to dislike when customers would call the whole PC a "hard drive" or say "I have had a pc for 10 years and have learned nothing" lol 😆😆. anyway. Seems like to snag the timeline i have to go all the way up where the timeline marker is and click, then there is just a narrow space up there to drag the timeline. is there a setting to make it so i can click anywhere in a track to get the timeline and likewise drag the timeline from anywhere in a track. I believe my Vegas 16 was like that. Then also when I am adding text, the text properties box, if i want to scroll down to see hidden properties below the bottom of the window ( yes I can resize the window, then i have to resize back again when done) I have to go all the waaaaaaaaay over to the scroll bar for the text properties window. It would be so nice to be able to click outside of the text prop box then use the mouse wheel. thanks in advance, really having a lot of fun now that I bought a better video card.