VST plugin as real time effect

Carl-Curry wrote on 3/1/2024, 11:01 AM

I want to use a VST plugin in Sound Forge in real time which my DAW applies in the output bus effects bin.
Some context. I don't have the luxury of an acoustically treated room so I typically have to mix in headphones. To improve the end results I will use Slate VSX (room emulator plugin) to get references for various accoustic environments. The plugin lets me simulate various listening environments in real time playback. In my DAW I just apply the VSX VST to the master bus or sidechain it to a dedicated bus. In Sound Forge the only way I've seen to use the VSX plugin is as an applied effect. Using preview in the plugin dialog doesn't allow me to go right to the portion of a file I want to check/focus on and test the multiple room treatments available in the plugin.
Yes, I could just master everything in the DAW, but I've been doing it in Sound Forge for a couple decades and like the direct workflow that I've gotten used to.
This will apply to Sound Forge 17.
Any input appreciated.


rraud wrote on 3/2/2024, 11:26 AM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Carl-Curry.
Put the room emulator plug-in last in a plug-in chain. It would be easier to use the timeline chainer mode instead of the (temporary) "Apply plug-in chain" in FX Plug-ins.

Carl-Curry wrote on 3/3/2024, 7:29 AM

Excellent. Thanks for that. I was searching the manual for effects bin, realtime, etc.. Plug-in chain it is for Sound Forge.
Now I just need to figure out why Sound Forge can't use the VSX plugin properly (64-bit VST3, works fine elsewhere). Ah, the joy of software 😒

rraud wrote on 3/3/2024, 9:20 AM

Confirm the 'Program Files> Common Files > VST3' folder is selected as a VST search folder in (Options> Preferences> VST Effects) and select 'Refresh'. Check to see if the plug-in is listed in the list below. If so, then go to the 'View> Plug-in Manager' and add it to favorites to make it easier to access. If you do not see it in Plug-in, Manager 'Restart' the PC and/or try different Plug-in Manager settings check boxes.. for instance:.'ALL', 'VST3', '64 bit' ect. The (relatively new) Plug-in Manager is a bit cluttered and confusing IMO. Just last night I installed a new plug-in, which took about 10 minutes to eventually find.

Carl-Curry wrote on 3/23/2024, 10:43 AM

Didn't realize you had provided more input. Thanks. Sound Forge sees the plugin, but isn't able to use it properly. This PC is a DAW. There are ~300 plugins, many full synthesizers (e.g. Omnisphere, Superior Drummer, etc.). It's probably more thrown at Sound Forge than the average user. Agree the plugin-in manager has it's challenges, but is improving over time. The first load of all the VST's Sound Forge finds is exhausting and slow.
For now I load the files processed with Sound Forge back in my DAW software and listen to various 'room' emulations to check. It's a workaround but I'm not stuck trying to outguess software behavior/glitchiness.

rraud wrote on 3/24/2024, 1:44 PM

The plug-ins you do not use in Sound Forge could be placed in a non-VST search folder. You could also disable the VST search procedure in SF so you do not have to wait out the search each time SF is launched. I have not tried this though in SF16 & 17.

xman_charl wrote on 3/24/2024, 10:56 PM

using these three vst for talk shows


acon digital extract dialogue


ozone 11 maximizer optimized loudness


ozone 11 stem focus warm vocal midrange.


my 2 cents