I am using an AKAI EWI USB for midi controller. In the supplied Aria software for EWI I can control breath attack to put more emotion into my music. Unfortunately the supplied Ewi patches are not the best. I have purchased Brass, flute, cello vst from the Magix Shop and there doesn’t seem to be any way to control breath input, the notes are either off or on. So I cannot control breath input to maintain the note at lower volume levels by blowing very softly, I have to blow at a constant airflow to stop the note from switching off. I can use a keyboard and it will attack the note depending on how hard I hit it, like a piano does. Breath attack is very important using woodwind instruments and I am wondering if I have missed something or the function is just not available in the woodwind VST plug-ins. Maybe there is a synth. that allows adjustments to breath control?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Music Maker 2022.
Mike H