volume drop of the recording when monitoring is enabled.

Leonardo-Telles wrote on 3/5/2023, 7:28 PM



Im noticing a big volume drop while im guitar tracking with a suhr reactive load ir when monitoring is enabled on the audio options page of samplitude pro x7. When i go with the option "no monitoring", the waveform recorded is nice and big, when i activate the monitoring, the waveform is smaller, and it loses more then 6db. any idea what its happening? my interface is a mytek 8x192


SP. wrote on 3/6/2023, 3:20 AM

@Leonardo-Telles You can also ask this question in the Samplitude forum at https://community.samplitude.com

An simple workaround would be to normalize the audio after recording.

I'm not totally sure why there is a volume difference with monitoring enabled. It might be that some faders work differently because all effects are disabled?

Does this happen in new, empty projects? What happens if you change the audio driver or don't use your audio interface?