Voice recording

hundstina wrote on 8/6/2013, 7:58 PM

I might be stupid, but I bought this program to voice record a book with a microphone.

But I cant figure out how to do it?

Can somebody PLEASE tell me in simple words, because I know absolutely nothing about handle sounds on the computer (I only have recorded my voice to pictures in Power Point before this).


pgmer6809 wrote on 8/28/2013, 5:10 PM

0. I am not sure why you need this pgm for this; does Windows not come with a 'sound recorder' that lets you speak into it without needing anything extra?

In any case to address your question about Magix. (I am just a user BTW, not an expert).

Try the manual.

There is an explanation on how to record an LP that might get you started. (it walks you through all the steps.)

But here is a brief idea.


1. You need to connect your microphone to your sound card. I suspect that your 'sound card' is built into the motherboard. In any case if you have recorded voice before you know how to do this. (Microphone goes to red input on your front panel).

2. You need to tell your sound card to use the microphone input, and not the 'line input'

Start MAGIX. You should be in the 'import' screen. There are three big-ish pictures at the bottom. The middle one is a record player. Click on that.

That starts the recording process. When there is sound coming in some bars along the RH edge will go up and down. Also there are some 'recording level' bars at the top of the dialog.

Speak into the mike. If there is no indication sound is coming in you may not have selected the correct source.

3. If there is no sound coming in when you speak into the mike, click on the 'level control' button in the top left.

That should open your sound card utility (this is a windows thing not a Magix thing).

4. In that utility make sure that the 'microphone' source is enabled, by clicking in the small box at the bottom. make sure also that the vollume slider is high enough.

Also check to make sure that you have not

a) muted the microphone

b) muted everything

by unchecking any 'mute' boxes that you see.

5. If you have done that right you should see some actitivity when you speak into the mike.

If there is none, you need to trouble shoot in windows until you can be 100% sure that your microphone is working with your sound card.

6. Once you have that you can start recording. There is a button with a red dot in it. Click on that and Magix now starts writing what it sees on the input to disk.  So speak into the microphone.

You can click on the yellow button to PAUSE.  Then click again to resume. IF you click on 'Stop' Magix closes off the file you were working on, and when you click Record again starts a new one. (Useful if you want to keep separate chapters in separate files say. But still all in one project')


Hope this helps.
