Vita Drum Problem savethematches wrote on 12/5/2018, 11:30 AM When I open the Vita Rock Drums soft synth, I get an error message that the following file is missing. YT-MX SD 01 OH 01 XC#1 Y02. Help! Back to post
Comments CidBil wrote on 12/5/2018, 12:47 PM I searched for that error message and found this Youtube video that might help..... btw quite a few search results came up re: that error message..hth savethematches wrote on 12/5/2018, 1:47 PM Thank you! That got me closer. Before, the keys wouldn't press on the piano, and I couldn't click on the drums. Now, thanks to the video, I can click the piano keys and the drums; however, I'm not getting any sound from them. 1