Vinyl Recording and Restoration Hangs

Brooks-DeMio wrote on 10/9/2023, 9:33 PM

I have Sound Forge Audio Studio 17. I'm using it to digitize a lot of my old vinyl albums so I use the tool, "Vinyl Recording and Restoration Tool" Everything works great until the last step then it seems to hang. I record one side of the LP, label it and define the save location. I've been at the spot where it prompts stating that it is now saving my audio files. "Please Wait". Then it just stays there. The progress bar never moves past 0%. It has been sitting for 30 minutes or more. This is my 2nd attempt. The previous one was a test with just one song of the LP on it. Not sure what's going on. Is there a patch or something that I need to correct this? I'm in Win10 22H2.

Thanks in advance!



SP. wrote on 10/10/2023, 3:19 AM

​​​​​@Brooks-DeMio Does it help if you simply restart the computer? Please make sure you select the Restart option and not the Shut down option.

craig-d wrote on 10/10/2023, 3:36 AM

hi @Brooks-DeMio, this is actually a known bug that is being worked on. the workaround is simple, however, after you've made your recording and run the tools, you can click gives you the option to keep the recording with the appropriate changes. from there, you can click Save As to save the file in whatever format you like. hope that helps!


Brooks-DeMio wrote on 10/11/2023, 11:47 AM

​​​​​@Brooks-DeMio Does it help if you simply restart the computer? Please make sure you select the Restart option and not the Shut down option.

Hey, Yea. I've done that one.

Brooks-DeMio wrote on 10/11/2023, 11:49 AM

hi @Brooks-DeMio, this is actually a known bug that is being worked on. the workaround is simple, however, after you've made your recording and run the tools, you can click gives you the option to keep the recording with the appropriate changes. from there, you can click Save As to save the file in whatever format you like. hope that helps!


I did do the cancel thing and observed that my audio file is segmented with the tracks noted and the names of each song. That worked. I suppose the options that the Vinyl tool use, like noise reduction from sound popping won't happen... I did save my first cut so I'll have to listen.



craig-d wrote on 10/12/2023, 1:14 AM

hi @Brooks-DeMio, it will save the cleaned up version of the file, with the noise reduction applied, if you selected to use those tools before cancelling. i hope that helps!

Brooks-DeMio wrote on 10/13/2023, 11:38 AM

hi @Brooks-DeMio, it will save the cleaned up version of the file, with the noise reduction applied, if you selected to use those tools before cancelling. i hope that helps!

Good to know. Thanks!

Brooks-DeMio wrote on 10/16/2023, 7:30 PM

So... I went ahead and tried to record the last album I was working (the album is irrelevant to this post). I cancelled out of the Vinyl Recording splash page so I could save the recording. The markers for each cut is still listed. W

When I attempt to save, the MP3 shows up in the Windows directory I'm saving to then disappears. In other words, no saving this file. Is that also a known issue?

I kept v16 on my PC when I upgraded to V17 so I attempted the same with that and got the same results. The Vinyl tool doesn't finish. It just hangs. I also cannot save out of V16. Any bug fixes for this issue?

Thanks again,


craig-d wrote on 10/17/2023, 1:34 AM

hi @Brooks-DeMio, the issue is actually known to the developers, but it could be a while before it's fixed. for me, when i cancel out of it, i simply use Save As, and save it in the file that i put my restored tracks in...i can always find them and play them afterward. am i understanding right that when you save it, you can't locate it again? i can't reproduce this...for me using Save As works every time. are you using 'Save' or 'Save As'?...perhaps that's the difference.