Is it possible to view magix mp4 files projects saved on the hard disc other then on magix? Is there a way to view these files on the PC's windows media player ?
Thanks Yvon-Robert, I'm on windows 7 and with latest Windows Media Player updated "encountered a problem while playing the file" keeps popping out. Also, some of the files are only max 3minutes with most lasting only few seconds. version was last updated 7 April, 2010.
Try my best for me is Quiktime player this is free on the advantage it contains Inspector tool this is very useful to check a movie file parameters. Check also new update for Windows medis file on Windows Website.
Another very good player is VLC player from VideoLAN website. (This is a must in any computer)
If you encountered a problem while playing the file, file contains bad parameters that the reason you must check video parameters and audio parameters.