
cpc000cpc wrote on 7/20/2012, 6:16 PM


This looks like a rather complex use of 'Alpha' or other channel effect ('Effeects' tab >> "video effects' >> 'Chroma key') where the image on one track determines whether you see the track above it or the track below. When you say video, do you intend that those parts are actually moving or just a stationary poster? The technique is the same.

Starting simpler you could apply just 'Black' chroma key effect to a silhouette image of the soldier including the white title. In this case  the black areas become transparent and reveal what is behind on the (lower number) track(s) above. Two issues: First, what is seen is itself a composite of two objects -- the girl and the group of soldiers -- which could be placed using 'Size and position' effect. Secondly the information bar at the bottom might have to be a separate item as it contains black, or make sure that the image behind the 'CANAL+' text is plain black or empty. Thus:

  1. Girl reduced and moved up
  2. Soldiers reduced and moved down
  3. Silhouette (maybe including info bar) set to black chroma key

Hope this gets you started,
