Video sound cleaning lab - cell phone interference

doctorbunhead wrote on 12/7/2013, 5:42 AM

I have some videos with cell phone RF noise on them (buzz buzz buzz click click buzz buzz). I can't re-record the video unfortunately. Is there any filter which can deal with this in cleaning lab 2014? I have already tried audacity noise removal with bad results. 

In future the phone will be switched off, a lesson well learnt. 


gandjcarr wrote on 12/7/2013, 2:10 PM


Audacity is one of the best applications for noise removal provided you acually isolate each type of noise independantly, take the sample and the apply it to the clip.  Ideally you would isolate by finding a segment that contains only the noise and no other audio.  So, you would run it once after finding the buzz then again after isolating the clicks.  For the click you could also try the notch filter and just filter out that frequency.  The buzz depending on the frequency of the the sound (I mean the audio frequency in Hz not how often it occurs)  will be a little more challenging but audacity should be able to get rid of it if you give it a good clean sample.  Video sound cleaning lab can do some similar things but not nearly as sophisticated as audacity.  I use both products, video sound cleaning lab for the easy stuff and Audacity for the more challenging audio problems.

Why don't you just download the free trial of Video Sound cleaning lab as give it a try however I am not optimistic if you are a experienced audacity user and you could not solve the problem with Audacity.
