Video ProX5 finally works on laptop!

oneartist wrote on 10/27/2013, 8:46 PM

After much frustration and a lot of reading and forum searching, I finally have it working. When I installed Video ProX5, the Timeline was missing. I read one suggestion to go to "file>settings>reset default settings. That worked once and then it froze. Countless other installs and this file setting change closed the program and sent me to a Magix Update box that would stay open indefinately. I changed the routing of the install directly using the Browse button to Programs instead of the default Programs X86. This time the Timeline and everything showed up. I was able to edit without freezing for the first time. I tried a couple more installs letting Windows decide and no Timeline. I don't know why this makes a difference, but it works. Also, I'm editing GH3 HD footage at 1920/1080 and 60fps. The manual says you need a dedicated video card to do this, but my Dell E6510 with integraded Intel card is doing just fine. i7 Dual core2.7, 8G of RAM, SSD for program and 750GB external HD connected via eSATA port and a RME Babyface for a sound card.


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