Video not playing on Online Album

1bib wrote on 6/29/2009, 4:18 PM
Hi again

I loaded a video onto a MAGIX Online Album,and now when I go on, it will not play. First of all it showed up that I had nothing on my site, except, when I logged in it was in my Website Manager thing. So after waiting hours, I loaded it on again, and it now shows up as a black screen. When I click on the album, it says No Video Avalible. When I click play twice, it says something about it being a MP4 video and I need to download Flash. So I did. After waiting and restarting the computer, it still says I need to install Flash. If I click Watch Normal video quality, nothing happens.


ludo6000 wrote on 7/17/2009, 4:33 PM
I'm french but will try to answer ...
Look at the title of your video source ... they should not have capital letters ... or "_" or "-".
Renames there as I told you and download on the online album ...