Video loading time

devannvincent wrote on 2/23/2009, 4:20 PM
I have several pages on my website that contain videos. Each video is under 20MB and at most 2 minutes long. They do take a long time to load before they are playable. Is there a way to speed up this process? I tried copying and pasting all seven of them on my home page and making them invisible so that they would load as soon as visitors open my site. This slows down the entire site and nothing else will load until the videos are done loading... Help please. Thanks.


Former user wrote on 5/5/2009, 4:56 AM
Hi, there is no way to stream your videos. Please disable the auto-play function. so the videos will be primary load after a user clicks on teh play button. cheers
linuxkinguk wrote on 7/25/2010, 10:45 AM
once your have edited your video use a piece of gif converter software to convert the video to a gif file ( you will lose quality) this will compress the video down to 2-300 kb allowing your page to load quicky and you can put a high qualtiy link next to the video image for people to download the original high quality video file for veiwing offline