I am new at this. I made a video for my web site.It keeps replaying when it gets to the end. I would let it to stop there. What do I need to do. I have Move Edit Pro 2013
Did you use MEP's 'Export as media player' option? I just did a quick test with it and the video (web quality 320x240) plays just once. The MEP exports to a folder with half a dozen files including the mp4 video and an .html file. The HTML code has a couple of lines with loop="false" but even changing that to "true" makes no difference.
If you created a video clip only and used some other software to produce your web page then I'd say the looping problem is there, not with Magix.
Thanks for your response. I uploaded it to my Magix online album, then placed it into their movie widget. It is not looping when I play it in the Movie edit pro program. It only loops when I uploaded it to the widget. I turned off the loop and repeat option in the settings of the On-line album. In general movie settings I do not have Play movie in Loop mode checked, nor do i have the other two settings checked.
When it plays on your computer from the Online Album - is the movie playing in the Flash Player or Windows Media Player., inside or outside the browser?
If WMP check you do not have the Repeat option turned on in WMP.