Video Grabber driver will not install - x86 or x64

Baldrick wrote on 6/8/2024, 12:36 PM

Hi there

Am new here and this is my first post. After using Video Easy on my Win 10 computer I had to get a new PC (which came with Win 11).

When I reinstall Video Easy all goes well except for the driver installation which for some reason fails. I can see this by looking in the Device Manager and can see under 'Other Devices' that the is a 'Video Grabber' entry which has an exclamation mark against it. Investigating that further via Properties identifies the following, i.e., no drivers installed/cannot find drivers:

I therefore have tried to update the driver by clicking on 'Update driver' and then browsing to the Magix installation folder and selecting, first the "C:\Program Files\MAGIX\Video easy Rescue Your Videotapes!\Version 9.0\Driver\x86" and then the "C:\Program Files\MAGIX\Video easy Rescue Your Videotapes!\Version 9.0\Driver\x64".

The x64 attempt ended with:

as did the attempt with the x86 driver folder, with exactly the same message.

I am therefore a bit stuck as whilst I can open & start a project with Video Easy when I select to import from a video tape I get the following:

I have a SCART to RCA converter (that comes with Video Easy) connect to the USB dongle which is plugged into a USB port on my PC.

Can anyone in the Community advise as to how I should proceed to get this working under Windows 11, like it did undaer Windows 10?

I have checked for updates and downloaded/installed the latest version of Video Easy ( (UDP3), as stated in the Help/About dialog of the app).

Many thanks in anticipation for any assistance that can be provided.

Regards, Baldrick







SP. wrote on 6/8/2024, 1:07 PM

@Baldrick Try to remove the device from the Device Manager (via the right click menu). Unplug the grabber, restart your computer. Please select the Restart option and not the Shut down option!

Next, try a driver from this page:

Install the correct driver and only connect your grabber to the computer after the driver was installed.

If it still doesn't work, you probably need a newer grabber compatible with Windows 11.

Baldrick wrote on 6/8/2024, 5:24 PM


Thanks for the prompt is much appreciated. 👍

I have followed all the instructions you kindly provided and when running the setup I get confirmation of the successful installation of the MAGIX Video converter 3 but there is no mention of the driver for Conexant Polaris Unused CIR Function, that was mentioned as one of the two drivers to be installed by the setup app.

Also when I then looked in Device Manager at the Video Grabber it still indicates that no driver was installed for it. So I am guessing that your comment of " probably need a newer grabber compatible with Windows 11" now applies.

In that case would you know where I can get such a new grabber that will work with Video Easy?

Many thanks in anticipation.

Regards, Baldrick


SP. wrote on 6/8/2024, 5:40 PM

@Baldrick Ok, seems to be somewhat complicated. Here is a guide by a user who was able to insall the device manually. Be aware, this was for Windows 10:

Eventually by trial and error I got the device loaded and the Conexant driver recognised by using the Conexant 64 bit driver included in the downloadable zip file for the 'Treiber Premium Wandler' . Just needed to unzip, right clicked on the ini file (highlighted below) and select install.

In case you cannot get it to work on Windows 11 you can usually use any video grabber from online stores like Amazon. They start for $20-$30. Of course, there are also more expensive grabbers, but basically they all use the same cheap integrated circuits. I suggest you search on YouTube for user reviews.

AAProds wrote on 6/9/2024, 2:37 AM

@Baldrick @SP.

Regarding the link SP gave, note also the comments from John re Windows Permissions, not that I think they are a culprit in this particular case.

If it still doesn't work, you probably need a newer grabber compatible with Windows 11.

Not necessarily. The Magix Grabber is probably OK, all you need is the latest driver.

They start for $20-$30. Of course, there are also more expensive grabbers, but basically they all use the same cheap integrated circuits.

You will get what you pay for. And the various grabbers do not use the same ICs. While the Conexant chips are often used, other digitisers, such as my preferred device, the IOData GV-USB2, use completely different circuitry. And yes, the GV-USB2 works great with VE.

In addition to Youtube (and treat 90% of YT videos on the subject as being complete nonsense), I suggest you have a good look at the VideoHelp forum.

Before purchasing a new grabber, I would contact Magix Support for a driver resolution. Win 10 and 11 do change; I had an old Pinnacle digitiser that worked under my original Win 10 install but then stopped working a year so so later and will not work under Win 11. Support might have the very latest drivers.

A couple of other observations:

-You have Video Easy 6. There is a Video Easy 7; it would pay to recheck your Magix account to see if any later free upgrade versions are available to you.

-In the post that SP linked to, the text says the "INI" file; it's actually then "INF" file, as highlighted on the screenshot.



All my forum comments are based on or refer to my System 1.

My struggle is over! I built my (now) system 2 in 2011 when DV was king and MPEG 2 was just coming onto the scene and I needed a more powerful system to cope. Since then we've advanced to MP4 and to bigger and bigger resolutions. I was really suffering, not so much in editing (with proxies) but in encoding, which just took ages. A video, with Neat Video noise reduction applied, would encode at 12% of film speed. My new system 1 does the same job at 160% of film speed. Marvellous. I'm keeping my old system as a capture station for analogue video tapes and DV.

System 1

Windows 11 v23H2 severely modified by Openshell and ExplorerPatcher

Power supply: 850W Cooler Master (should have got modular)

CPU: Intel i7 13700K running at 3400mhz, cooled by a Kraken 2x140mm All In One liquid cooler.

RAM: 64gb (2x32gb sticks) G.Skill "Ripjaws" DDR4 3200Mhz

GPU 1: iGPU UHD 770

GPU 2: NVidia RTX 3060Ti Windforce 8gb

C drive: NVME 500gb

Bluray Burner: Pioneer BDR-212D

Various other SSD and HDDs.

Monitor: 27"/68cm Samsung, 2560 x 1440, 43 pixels/cm.

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2025

Magix Video Easy version

System 2

(Still in use for TV and videotape capture)

Windows 10 v22H2

CPU: i5-750 at 2670mhz with 12gb RAM

Onboard IEEE1394 (Firewire) port

GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4770 (512mb) which is ignored by MEP

Hard drives: C Drive 256gb SSD, various other HDDs.

Monitor: Dell 22"/56cm, 1680x1050, 35 pixels/cm

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2023 version

VPX 12

Baldrick wrote on 6/9/2024, 7:30 AM

@Baldrick Ok, seems to be somewhat complicated. Here is a guide by a user who was able to insall the device manually. Be aware, this was for Windows 10:

Eventually by trial and error I got the device loaded and the Conexant driver recognised by using the Conexant 64 bit driver included in the downloadable zip file for the 'Treiber Premium Wandler' . Just needed to unzip, right clicked on the ini file (highlighted below) and select install.

In case you cannot get it to work on Windows 11 you can usually use any video grabber from online stores like Amazon. They start for $20-$30. Of course, there are also more expensive grabbers, but basically they all use the same cheap integrated circuits. I suggest you search on YouTube for user reviews.

Thanks SP...managed to get the driver installed by running the relevant .inf from the 'Treiber Premium Wandler' download. But as noted I had to turn of Core Integrity...which is not great...but as I am just needing to do some transfers of some old tapes I have once done I will just uninstall Video Easy & the relevant driver and re-enable the Core Integrity feature.

And if at any time in the future I am looking to repeat I will investigate another grabber and more up to date software.

Thanks for all your help in this matter. It is very much appreciated.

Regards, Baldrick



Baldrick wrote on 6/9/2024, 7:42 AM

@Baldrick @SP.

Regarding the link SP gave, note also the comments from John re Windows Permissions, not that I think they are a culprit in this particular case.

If it still doesn't work, you probably need a newer grabber compatible with Windows 11.

Not necessarily. The Magix Grabber is probably OK, all you need is the latest driver.

They start for $20-$30. Of course, there are also more expensive grabbers, but basically they all use the same cheap integrated circuits.

You will get what you pay for. And the various grabbers do not use the same ICs. While the Conexant chips are often used, other digitisers, such as my preferred device, the IOData GV-USB2, use completely different circuitry. And yes, the GV-USB2 works great with VE.

In addition to Youtube (and treat 90% of YT videos on the subject as being complete nonsense), I suggest you have a good look at the VideoHelp forum.

Before purchasing a new grabber, I would contact Magix Support for a driver resolution. Win 10 and 11 do change; I had an old Pinnacle digitiser that worked under my original Win 10 install but then stopped working a year so so later and will not work under Win 11. Support might have the very latest drivers.

A couple of other observations:

-You have Video Easy 6. There is a Video Easy 7; it would pay to recheck your Magix account to see if any later free upgrade versions are available to you.

-In the post that SP linked to, the text says the "INI" file; it's actually then "INF" file, as highlighted on the screenshot.



Hi AAProds

Thanks for your input and your clarifications.

I have noted what you say about the IOData GV-USB2 and it will be on my list of candidates as and when I go looking for a new grabber.

I also checked out Video Easy 7, and it looks like it has been officially sunsetted, as it is no longer available, even as a trial, via the Magix web site. However, there appears to be a new kid on the block that does what Video Ease did and more...MAGIX Movie Studio 2025 Platinum...and from what I can tell one can get an lifetime license upgrade for £29.99 if you have previously registered a copy of Video Easy with them.

Regards, Baldrick



AAProds wrote on 6/9/2024, 8:03 AM


Yes, MMS2025 is out; it is the latest version of the Movie Edit Pro/Magix Movie Studio Line of video editors. It certainly does much more than VE and is a much more capable editor, it's main advantage being the timeline feature, whereas Video Easy only has Storyboard. The timeline makes editing much easier. There are many more Editing and Export options, as well as effects, with MMS 2025.

FYI, you can still get Video Easy as long as you buy the Rescue Your VideoTapes package; that includes the grabber.

If you have a lot of this type of analogue video work to do, I would recommend MMS 2025 though.

All my forum comments are based on or refer to my System 1.

My struggle is over! I built my (now) system 2 in 2011 when DV was king and MPEG 2 was just coming onto the scene and I needed a more powerful system to cope. Since then we've advanced to MP4 and to bigger and bigger resolutions. I was really suffering, not so much in editing (with proxies) but in encoding, which just took ages. A video, with Neat Video noise reduction applied, would encode at 12% of film speed. My new system 1 does the same job at 160% of film speed. Marvellous. I'm keeping my old system as a capture station for analogue video tapes and DV.

System 1

Windows 11 v23H2 severely modified by Openshell and ExplorerPatcher

Power supply: 850W Cooler Master (should have got modular)

CPU: Intel i7 13700K running at 3400mhz, cooled by a Kraken 2x140mm All In One liquid cooler.

RAM: 64gb (2x32gb sticks) G.Skill "Ripjaws" DDR4 3200Mhz

GPU 1: iGPU UHD 770

GPU 2: NVidia RTX 3060Ti Windforce 8gb

C drive: NVME 500gb

Bluray Burner: Pioneer BDR-212D

Various other SSD and HDDs.

Monitor: 27"/68cm Samsung, 2560 x 1440, 43 pixels/cm.

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2025

Magix Video Easy version

System 2

(Still in use for TV and videotape capture)

Windows 10 v22H2

CPU: i5-750 at 2670mhz with 12gb RAM

Onboard IEEE1394 (Firewire) port

GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4770 (512mb) which is ignored by MEP

Hard drives: C Drive 256gb SSD, various other HDDs.

Monitor: Dell 22"/56cm, 1680x1050, 35 pixels/cm

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2023 version

VPX 12

johnebaker wrote on 6/9/2024, 9:52 AM



In addition to @AAProds which I agree with, there are a series of tutorials here made by @browj2, another member of the forum, which take you through the many features of editing with the program from basic operations to complex features both with the video and audio elements of making videos, some are made with older versions of the program, however the principles are the same.

Don't let the 'apparent complexity' put you off, the tutorials will help with the basics and more.

If you get stuck on how to do something, check the forum first using the search option, it may already have been covered by another user, if nothing appropriate is found, post a question with detail, and an example, if possible, of what you want to do.


John EB
Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Baldrick wrote on 6/9/2024, 12:20 PM

Hi AAProds

Thanks for the further clarification. For the price that one can get the latest version (£39.99 on Amazon) I think that the upgrade to MMS 2025 is a better option (£29.99 direct from Magix) given what you have advised about re. features & capabilities.

But one further question...if I may? Can one use the video grabber I have with Video Easy or would it make more sense to get an up to date one, i.e., with a Win 11 compatible driver?

Cheers, Baldrick

Baldrick wrote on 6/9/2024, 12:23 PM

Hi johnebaker

Thanks for the advice & links...I am planning to refresh my very, very basic knowledge of VE once I have got all of the tapes grabbed & on my PC.

Cheers, Baldrick

AAProds wrote on 6/9/2024, 8:14 PM


Can one use the video grabber I have with Video Easy or would it make more sense to get an up to date one, i.e., with a Win 11 compatible driver?

You can use the VE grabber with MMS 2025; the problem is you can't get it (the grabber) installed.

My understanding is that the grabber hardware itself hasn't changed; it's the drivers that (need to) change to work with the new Windows versions. That's why I suggested getting onto Magix Support to see if it has an up-to-date Win 11 driver for your current grabber.


All my forum comments are based on or refer to my System 1.

My struggle is over! I built my (now) system 2 in 2011 when DV was king and MPEG 2 was just coming onto the scene and I needed a more powerful system to cope. Since then we've advanced to MP4 and to bigger and bigger resolutions. I was really suffering, not so much in editing (with proxies) but in encoding, which just took ages. A video, with Neat Video noise reduction applied, would encode at 12% of film speed. My new system 1 does the same job at 160% of film speed. Marvellous. I'm keeping my old system as a capture station for analogue video tapes and DV.

System 1

Windows 11 v23H2 severely modified by Openshell and ExplorerPatcher

Power supply: 850W Cooler Master (should have got modular)

CPU: Intel i7 13700K running at 3400mhz, cooled by a Kraken 2x140mm All In One liquid cooler.

RAM: 64gb (2x32gb sticks) G.Skill "Ripjaws" DDR4 3200Mhz

GPU 1: iGPU UHD 770

GPU 2: NVidia RTX 3060Ti Windforce 8gb

C drive: NVME 500gb

Bluray Burner: Pioneer BDR-212D

Various other SSD and HDDs.

Monitor: 27"/68cm Samsung, 2560 x 1440, 43 pixels/cm.

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2025

Magix Video Easy version

System 2

(Still in use for TV and videotape capture)

Windows 10 v22H2

CPU: i5-750 at 2670mhz with 12gb RAM

Onboard IEEE1394 (Firewire) port

GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4770 (512mb) which is ignored by MEP

Hard drives: C Drive 256gb SSD, various other HDDs.

Monitor: Dell 22"/56cm, 1680x1050, 35 pixels/cm

MEP 2021 version

Movie Studio 2023 version

VPX 12

Baldrick wrote on 6/10/2024, 2:03 AM

Hi AAProds

I am in communication with Magix Support on another topic and will look to ask them about this also.

Thanks, Baldrick

Baldrick wrote on 6/10/2024, 5:18 AM

Hi AAProds

Have just heard back from Magix Support re. this topic, as follows,:

"...Unfortunately, your programme is not compatible with Windows 11.
Please take a look at the packaging of the programme and use one of the operating systems listed there in order to guarantee trouble-free use of the programme.
The video converter driver cannot be installed under Windows 11, there is no updated driver for this and unfortunately there will not be one in the future.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

In principle, you only have two options: install an operating system that is labelled on the back of your packaging and that is compatible with your programme.
Or install the latest version of the programme that is compatible with Windows 11.

Best regards,

MAGIX Software GmbH"

So it looks like it is either the solution regarding manual install after disabling Core Integrity or getting a new video grabber, as purchasing & installing MMS 2025 will not resolve the driver issue.

I will have a think on this and plot the best course of action for me.

Again, thanks for all the advice, support & guidance you (and SP & johnebaker) have are a credit to the forum.

Regards, Baldrick

johnebaker wrote on 6/10/2024, 8:30 AM



All is not yet lost.

What is the colour of the USB device and any model numbers or other markings?

Which driver did you try installing from the download page @SP. gave you a link to ?

In Windows settings, Privacy & security, App permissions, Camera and Microphone ensure that the option Let desktop apps access your ..... are on - you may have to scroll down to see this option.

John EB

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Baldrick wrote on 6/10/2024, 11:13 AM

Hi johnebaker

Hope that yo are well?

Thanks for the further email...the colour of the grabber is black & model no. is K0065.

I have checked the suggested Windows settings and the Camera-related on for Video Easy is 'on'. However, in the case of the microphone setting there is no option to give Video Easy permission. SO not sure if the latter is the issue or not.

I tried the MAGIX Videowandler - Black download first, following the instruction provided. And when that did not work I tried the MAGIX Videowandler - Premium download. That worked but as already noted I had to turn off the Core Isolation feature...which is not great...but hopefully this will only be temporary, and once I have grabbed the videos I need to I can re-enable it after having removed the uncertified drivers, etc.

My thoughts are that if I need to use Video Easy again after that I may invest in another grabber which has Win 11 compatibility...and hopefully that will resolve the issue once and for all.

Cheers, Baldrick

johnebaker wrote on 6/10/2024, 1:11 PM


Hi Baldrick.

. . . . K0065 . . . . MAGIX Videowandler - Premium . . .That worked but as already noted I had to turn off the Core Isolation feature...which is not great.

That is the correct driver for the K0065, so the issue is not with the driver installation but the Core protection stopping access to it .

Which Antivirus are you using and what exactly do you have to turn off?

John EB

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

Baldrick wrote on 6/10/2024, 2:30 PM

Hi johnebaker

As I understand it the 'correct driver for K0065' may be just that...but, and this is the key point...that driver is not compatible with Win 11. As a result if the Memory Integrity element of the Windows Core Isolation functionality is 'On', which it is by default (and it is recommended that it remains so), then the driver installation fails.

To get the 'correct driver for K0065' installed one has to turn off the Memory Integrity feature off:

I am running ESET Smart Security Premium & CyberLock...but both were turned off when I was trying to install the driver...and it is definitively the driver not being compatible with Win 11 that is the problem.

Hope that helps to clarify.

Regards, Baldrick