Video capture stops after 1 second

jmccabe wrote on 12/29/2023, 4:23 PM

I'm just trying out a different video capture device, it's a cheapish one from Amazon, a Techside Video Grabber (see with Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus When I choose to import from an analog source, and select the "ezcap Video Grabber (USB - DShow)" device as the video source, "ezcap Video Grabber" gets selected as the audio source and I can monitor the video and audio without any significant issues. However, when I press the "Record" button, it goes into record mode for approximately 1 second then stops automatically, without any warnings or errors being shown.

Obviously this is a cheap capture device, and I'm aware, from previous experience, that Movie Edit Pro is a bit selective over which devices it'll work with (although a cheap ClimaxDigital device I also have works fine), but other ones that have not worked have basically not shown up successfully at all at the capture stage, whereas this one shows but doesn't record.

Anyone got any ideas about how I might be able to track down _why_ that might be happening?





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