Hey! Sorry for my poor English (google Translator). The program I use is Rescue your videotapes! I have a problem recording a vhs tape. When I edited the tape to my computer (transfer video to computer), and start the video editing (start the video editing), the first part of the video has become parts of a video I edited earlier. When I transfer (finish movie) video to a DVD, for example, these incorrect parts of the video also appear in the finished recording. The MPG file (in Video easy Rescue your videotapes! Folder) is ok !, so the error occurs in the MVY file. I uninstalled causing the error video file from my computer. I reinstalled the program several times. After installation, I will be able to edit a few videos until the problem comes again. I also reset the program (reset to default program settings). It has helped for a while. The computer's operating system is Win7.