very frustrated newbie

jenko wrote on 6/28/2008, 6:06 AM
hi all just got movie pro 11 . have important editing to do for the boss (hee hee) but when connect my jvc grd40 via fire wire all the buttons and audio work but no video . tried direct to dvd recorder with dv cable works fine. checked drivers etc windows xp own . HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant get it to be recognised by firewire in windows movie maker either . it comes up with error and locks up. makes no difference what settings i get button control and sound but no video .


Granny wrote on 6/29/2008, 10:37 AM
Does you video file upload as a MPeg? I think there are issues with MPeg files, check to see There might be a work around, for getting your video into Movie Edit 11, siimply by using Windows Movie Maker. I don't have 11 I have 14 so my suggestion may or may not work.
Granny wrote on 6/30/2008, 6:58 AM
Jenko, I'm sorry that you can't get your camera to work. Did you check to see if there is an updated driver for the camera. That might be the problem. I do apologize, my techie skills are close to nill.
ralftaro wrote on 6/30/2008, 9:01 AM
If Movie Maker doesn't want to properly detect and interface the camera either, the problem might be on a lower level, but you could still try the following: In Movie Edit Pro's DV capturing dialog, make sure the video preview checkbox is enabled. Even if the video doesn't come through in the preview window, just try to perform a capturing process (use the display on the camera to monitor the progress) and see whether the resulting file that ends up in your timeline does have audio + video and this is just a mere capture preview problem. You could try the "Record DV as MPEG" option too and see whether that works.
jenko wrote on 7/2/2008, 8:37 AM
ive tried it all . no drivers for firewire only usb. just records a black picture with sound. tried all options. re installed etc  . no joy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
channel13 wrote on 7/20/2008, 9:51 PM

It is kind of a round about way of getting there ... but, when all else fails I have found that I can get video with or without sound into the PC for use in Magix, or any other product, by coming in through Windows Movie Maker. Connect your video camera to the PC, open Windows Movie Maker (to get to it ... Start, Programs, Windows Movie Maker). When Window Move Maker opens and yr camera is connected to the PC and turned ON and qued to the portion of video you want, select "capture video from video device". Follow the steps as they appear. They are not tricky or confusing. When your video is all captured save it to a file where you can get to it for loading into your Magix suite. Hope this helps.                     "channel13"