Verifying website on google

middletonpaul wrote on 3/11/2009, 3:47 PM
Hi there,

does anybody know how to verify a webiste on google. I know the magix website maker is flash based and I am struggling to work out how to verify after submitting my url with google. The below text is what I get when on the google site

"We offer two methods of verification. You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify, or you can add a meta tag to your site's index file."

help appreciated




ralftaro wrote on 3/12/2009, 4:23 AM
I think at that stage the Google URL submission process will give you the HTML code for the keyword and description meta tags that was automatically generated for you from the keywords and description you specified earlier in the process. That is basically the meta information Google wants you to add to the site.

Now, as you know, Website Maker doesn't enable you to insert any additional HTML or script language code into the sites you're building. However, if you make sure to fill in the keywords and description fields in the Website Maker settings dialog, it will automatically translate these entries into the corresponding HTML meta tags on your published website. So, I would suggest that you put exactly the some keywords and phrases into the fields in the settings dialog that you put into the Google URL submission form.

I don't know the internal details of this verification process for this Google URL submission procedure and I'm not 100% positive that just the matching description and keywords meta tags will be enough for Google to OK the URL submission. However, keep in mind that sooner or later the Google bots will scan and index your website anyway, unless you have e.g. made provisions to not have it listed.

mertek wrote on 3/15/2009, 1:59 PM

Could I just ask Rafaltaro to confirm something for me? By entering keywords in the Magix website builder, Meta Tags will be automtically generated by MAGIX which will be picked up by Google?

Part of my problem is that people who google my site not using the EXACT URL get directed to the Magix development site not my published (exported) site. I'm concerned that the Magix keywords will continue to redirect Google to my development area, not my published website on my selected server.

ralftaro wrote on 3/16/2009, 6:45 AM
Hi mertek,

If you obtain the HTML code from the "export" function and use it to embed your Website Maker site into another site/hosting package, that's a very special situation. In this particular case, it would be up to you again to make sure that the HTML page that you're embedding your Magix site into features the usual HTML header information and has the keywords and description meta tags. You would have full control over this aspect of the site and could actually put in exactly what Google recommends. You might even want to avoid putting in the keywords/description info into the Website Maker settings, as it would result in exactly the effect you describe (Magix URL being found by search engine, while your other URL is possibly not found or ranked much lower). Keep in mind that technically, if you use the "export" function and embed your site somewhere else, the site is now available under multiple URLs.

I hope this helps.

P.S.: If you have a question, you might want to post a new topic for it. I don't get any notification when someone else posts a reply to a question I answered and I wouldn't know that there's a question addressed to me. I just happened to stumble across this thread here again. However, if you post a new question, chances are much higher that I or someone else will come across it. And if I find the time and can possibly help out, I will try to do so.  :)