Vegas Pro 18 NVENC Does Not Support Rtx 3000 GPUs?

R6Vegas wrote on 1/31/2021, 8:12 PM

a few days ago I got a new laptop with an rtx 3070 mobile.
At home I also got a desktop with a 2070 super.
On the 2070s desktop, NVENC video rendering works perfectly. Around 10 or less minutes to render a specific 20min video.

Unfortunately on the new laptop, it seems the new rtx 3000 series is not supported as rendering with the SAME settings via NVENC is around 20+ minutes, so exactly double almost.

Does Vegas 18 Pro already support Rtx 3000 GPUs or is anyone already successfully rendering videos via nvenc with an rtx 3000 gpu here?

PS: I'm not a noob when it comes to hardware, just in case, been using Vegas for a long time.

Thanks in advance guys!