Usage rights???

osgael wrote on 8/16/2009, 9:07 AM
I exported music i myself recorded on magix, and exported as wave,mp3 allof those and i cant burn cd,because it tells me i dont have usage rights!!!!!!!! How do i get passed this hurdle??????? Sorry i did not know i had to edit the question , but thanks for the answer o and i remembered i used the GOYA application to burn the original "file to a disc with.  but since then i Baught the full version of the magix 15 program and even when i download it to my magix it still wont let me do anything to it exept mix and thats it.


ralftaro wrote on 8/17/2009, 9:45 AM

Can you please provide some more details, especially a more accurate version of the error message? Here are the details I'd be interested in:

- the Music Maker version you're using
- the steps you take to get to the error message in question
- an accurate quote or, even better, a screen shot of the message


osgael wrote on 8/17/2009, 4:14 PM
Well actually I am using magix 15 and the magix program is not the one displaying message it is the windows media player.
ralftaro wrote on 9/1/2009, 12:32 PM
Hi again,

I think Windows Media Player is just being funny about something in the header information of the exported files. The program probably sets a "copyrighted" flag in the file header by default or something like this. Windows Media Player then refuses to burn the file. Mind you, this is a nonsense policy, but might be the way WMP handles this situation. (Some vague memories about something like this are coming back to me.) Of course, just because a copyright flag is set doesn't actually mean that there's a DRM restriction and you're prohibited from burning the file. Plus, in this particular situation, you would be the copyright holder. So, this decision should be up to you.

Anyway, my recommendation would be to just use a different software to burn the CD from your audio file. Here's a free application that does pretty much everything a basic burning application needs to do:

I'm pretty positive this won't give you a hard time about burning those files. :-)

Btw, if you want to add something, you should use the function to edit or add to your original question. If you post an answer, the people replying don't get any notification. I only found this again by accident, thus the long delay.

ralftaro wrote on 9/2/2009, 3:02 AM
Sorry, I'm afraid you've lost me again. We might have to take a step back here. Can you please provide a detailed description of what exactly you're trying to do, how you go about that and how it doesn't work. A screen shot of the problem situation or error message might be very helpful. Thanks.