i am presently using - Magix music studio 12 Deluxe and thinking about upgrading - is there much difference between this and Samplitude Music Studio 2019 if any difference at all??
Not sure if the upgrade for 39 will work with the program I have.. As it is a totally different program.. How does upgrade work? As I have video edit Pro.. Would I get upgrade that way.
Please clarify exactly which Magix program you have, including exact version and, if applicable, variant . At the moment I, for one, am rather confused!
I actually have both. But I did not think audio studio 12 is the same type of program and an upgrade to samplitude being a different program would not be possible as my audio studio is actually a mix up of audio studio 7 and 12 put together... And both old versions....
But I just resently purchased video edit Pro.. 2018..
Can you tell me what is the big difference in samp 2019 and my audio 12.?? Will I notice the difference..