Purchased a 2022 Music Maker Plus edition today but after downloading it, I'm still limited to the free version's applications. Can anyone help find what's the solution? Thanks.
Hi! Thank you Browj2 for your attention in trying to help us solve this situation. I did follow excatly the steps you suggested and still, I'm left with the free version features (ex.: limited to 8 tracks).
When I try to add a track, a window opens and suggests I upfrade version (or by more tracks). So I follow the upgrade version and it brings me back to the Welcome window where it says that my program is up to date.
Any suggestion/advice on this situation? Thanks again.
I upfrade version (or by more tracks). So I follow the upgrade version and it brings me back to the Welcome window where it says that my program is up to date.
I assume you activated the original Plus Edition with your serial number. When you "upgrade" this installs the latest free version of the program. You then login to your account within the program and install the features of the Plus program from the download tab.
Hi. Thanks for your attention. Exactly, that's what I did. And there's still nothing in the download tab of the program to choose, the tab is empty. Any other suggestion/advice. Thanks again.
Does your startup screen (Welcome screen) look like this? This is the welcome screen for 2022.
I have Premium so I covered over Premium with Plus and I hid my email address. Yours should say "Music Maker Plus Edition 2022" and below, you should have upgraded to the current version:
Hi . I have and see the same welcome screen. It actually says ''Music Maker free'' in mine. If I click to upgrade, it opens the program with the store ''Window'' showing the Plus Edition with 2 options: 1 - I click on the ''activate'' button and it brings me back to the welcom Screan, no changes made (done this a several times). Option 2 Purchase the package (wich I already have done, obviously).
Also, down below, it says I have the version and mentions the my version is up to date.
Did you log in (Join)? If not, then you have to do this first. If the Plus Edition does not show up like I showed, then put your Serial Number in the "Enter Serial Number" box and activate it - all on the same screen. This is not done anywhere else.
Yes, I'm logged in all this time. I did do the procedure you're suggesting at the begining when I initially purchased the Plus Edition. In my account, I can see my purchase and the serial number of my product. And this is where downloaded the program from.
So Finally, this is how I resolved the situation. I uninstalled every file on my computor related to MM (except a couple of projects that I saved by moving them into another folder) and re-started de whole download from scratch. It seams to have successfully installed the Plus Version. Thanks again for your support and time.