
rraud wrote on 9/2/2021, 12:14 PM

Die you you reboot the PC after installing the update patch and was the PC connected to the internet when initially opening a MP3?
Were there any error messages or screeching sounds?

Otherwise, download the Sound Forge Audio Studio14 application installer from the Magix Download Center, or the Magix Service Center> My Products, and do a repair installation (install over what is there). You should not lose any customizations and such. The other installer items and plug-ins do not need to be reinstalled.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @DJDavidBertelli.

DJDavidBertelli wrote on 9/2/2021, 1:26 PM

Hi @rraud. Thanks for the info and your kind words.

I made everything. Downloaded the SF14 pack, reinstalled, rebooted and nothing... still misses MP3 in the FIle Type drop down list.

Any additional clue?

rraud wrote on 9/2/2021, 1:54 PM

Is there a "mp3plug2.dll" file in the Program Files> Sound Forge> FileIO Plug-Ins> mp3plug2

You can try resetting SF to the factory default settings and clear the cache in the "File" menu. If that does not work, uninstall with a third-party uninstaller (like Revo Uninstall) that can clean leftover registry entries and other pertinent data the default uninstall leaves behind, then reinstall.

Assuming SF Audio Studio is similar to SF Pro.

Product-Owner_OOO_ wrote on 9/3/2021, 4:58 AM

Please try this: Open SF, go to File > Reset all preferences and cached data. After that, close the program and restart it, and all should be good to go! ;) We're very sorry for the inconviences.