Update codex in Photostory easy

knud-nielsen wrote on 11/5/2023, 2:15 PM

I have payed for a update codex in Photostory EASY and I have written the activatingscode in the box in the program, but it did not work. Please help me.

Knud Nielsen



johnebaker wrote on 11/5/2023, 2:59 PM



I have removed your order number form the title of this topic - please do not post order numbers or any other confidential/persoanl information in the forum - it is a public forum not Magix Support.

. . . . I have payed for a update codex in Photostory EASY  . . . .

What is the full name version number of the program and the Windows version installed on your computer?

Which codec did you have to purchase?

John EB
Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

knud-nielsen wrote on 11/12/2023, 5:20 AM

I am trying to optimize brightnes color in Photostory and use the advise in HELP, but nothing happens in the picture. How manage I that procedute?


emmrecs wrote on 11/12/2023, 5:49 AM


Please tell us, step by step, exactly what you are doing to optimize brightness and colour and we may well be able to help you to achieve what you want to do.

Is this problem related to your original question about a codec or is that issue now resolved?

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

knud-nielsen wrote on 11/12/2023, 6:07 AM

I have not a big picture on screen - only all down as I add but they comes not op and the play controllers comes not up too. How get I the actually picture big on the screen?


knud-nielsen wrote on 11/12/2023, 6:08 AM

No the codex problem is OK now.


knud-nielsen wrote on 11/12/2023, 7:31 AM

I mean I have not a preview window. How can I get it?


knud-nielsen wrote on 11/12/2023, 8:36 AM

 try to optimize in that way to chooe a picture and goes up an choose automatic optize OR manuel brightnes og color and so on. and choose MORE and have tried the different possiblyties here but without result. Another importing for me : I have no preview window on the screen when I add pictures and so on and therefore no playknob

I have read in help to click two times on at picture to get preview to bi vissibly, but nothing happens.



johnebaker wrote on 11/12/2023, 9:44 AM


Hi Knud

. . . . I mean, I have not a preview window. . . .

Are you still using Photostory 2022 or have you updated to the 2024 version?

Do you mean the preview window is missing or when you click on an image or video clip in the media pane they do not appear in the Preview monitor?

A screenshot of the full program screen may help.

John EB
Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

knud-nielsen wrote on 11/14/2023, 3:44 AM

Jeg har intet manitorpreviewbillede ? Hvordan får jeg det frem ? Min. optimering af billeder virker ikke i auto og ikke i manuel ??

Added from PM:

Jeg har et Photostory EASY program. Jeg får ikke monitorpreviewbilledet frem, når jeg vil lave et show? Hvordan henter jeg det ? Der sker intet, når jeg vil optimere et billede (brightnes - contrast). Hvorfor ?

Goole translate:

I have a Photostory EASY program. I don't get the monitor preview image when I want to make a show? How do I get it? Nothing happens when I want to optimize an image (brightness - contrast). Why ?


johnebaker wrote on 11/14/2023, 4:09 AM


Hi/Hej Knud

Try changing the Program settings, Playback option to Compatibility mode (VideoForWindows).

If this does not work, start a new project and add one jpg image - do you see the preview of the image?

If so then we need more information about the video format, codec and resolution are you using - to help with this download and install MediaInfo and analyse one of the videos you are using and post the results, see this tutorial on how to set up MediaInfo and analyse a video clip for all the data required.     

Google translate:

Prøv at ændre programindstillingerne, afspilningsindstillingen til kompatibilitetstilstand (VideoForWindows).

Hvis dette ikke virker, så start et nyt projekt og tilføj ét jpg-billede - kan du se forhåndsvisningen af billedet?

Hvis det er tilfældet, har vi brug for mere information om videoformatet, codec og opløsning, du bruger - for at hjælpe med denne download og installation af MediaInfo og analysere en af de videoer, du bruger og post resultaterne, se denne vejledning om, hvordan du opsætter MediaInfo og analyser et videoklip for alle de nødvendige data.


John EB


VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.