I've been using Magix for almost 10 years and all of a sudden I can't play MP4's, says I don't have quicktime. I went to this forum to look for answers, a suggestion was to download Quicktime. After I installed the latest one (2016) I was able to upload MP4's again. So problem solved?
I started to try and edit the video and the video won't play properly, it's choppy. The slider also doesn't move along the track. I then tried other video files and they all now have the same problem, the video is choppy, the slider stays at 0:00....WHAT HAPPENED???? My Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus is now unusable :(
I rebooted my Magix to it's original settings and the problem is still there.
I'm now going to try and delete quicktime, but the problem is still for some reason I can no longer play MP4's on Magix without Quicktime....
HELP PLEASE. I've tried other editing software and have always come back to Magix, now it's failing me or wtf happened? Plz help
Edit: It was the Quicktime apparently, I had to reboot my computer after deleting it, and the other videos play properly, no skipping and the slider moves along w/ the video, but the problem remains, why can I now no longer play MP4's?
Might it be an update I missed
(Note: after I rebooted my PC the window showed up to introduce me to the update changes, so my PC apparently has been updated...so this might be a reason ...Microsoft v Apple?)
I found a 'work around'. The MP4 seems to play on Premiere elements (w/o quicktime?) so I exported it out as an MPEG which Magix reads. Premiere Elements was one of the programs I tried out only to go back to Magix. Premiere is an Apple leaning software, so maybe it has the QT software installed, but wouldn't that follow that Magix should also be able to access it? Might we expect an update to address this or am I the only one to have this problem?
Thanks for any input