Unable to install Music Maker 2022 Premium

Bertrand-Gauvreau wrote on 1/12/2022, 3:27 PM


I just bought Music Maker 2022 Premium with online installation. Unfortunately I am unable to install the software completely.

The installation window remained frozen for almost 2 hours before I finally decided to abort the installation.

Also, although the application is present in the Windows application management window, pressing the "uninstall" button launches the uninstall window which also seems to be frozen.

I doubt that the power of my computer is at fault

  • Ryzen 9
  • 32GB RAM
  • Fast m2 SSD
  • 80 mb/sec internet connection
  • Updated Windows 10

Do you have any idea what is going on?

Thanks :-)


SP. wrote on 1/12/2022, 9:03 PM

@Bertrand-Gauvreau Try to uninstall Music Maker with this tool from Microsoft https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed-cca7d1b6-65a9-3d98-426b-e9f927e1eb4d

The next time before you reinstall it, try to disable your firewall or Windows Defender temporarily. Maybe they blocked the installation from finishing. You should enable them again after you set up the program and downloaded all premium edition features. Try not to surf on websites while they are deactivated.

You can download the previous version here: http://dl05.magix.net/2021/MusicMaker30/Music_Maker_30.0.3.39_INT_210927_16-17_82878DA2.exe

Maybe try to reinstall that version if the newest version is the cause of your problems.