Unable to access and use the unlimited sound pools I already paid for.

Phillip-Delay wrote on 5/15/2022, 1:46 PM

I can log into my newly purchased ProducerPlanet account, but from that point I am totally lost. I cannot find where to get or download the loops I should have access to, and every loop I try is encouraging me to buy it. I am sure I am overlooking the obvious, but since I cannot find any help on their site, I am hoping that one of you generous members will take pity on a poor lost soul.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Currently working with Music maker 2022, on windows 11, i5 core.


SP. wrote on 5/15/2022, 2:01 PM

@Phillip-Delay You click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "My Products" to download any loops you already purchased.

If you haven't purchased any loops for this account you won't find anything.

If you want to select Soundpools included in your Music Maker Edition you need to do this inside the Music Maker in-app-store. These Soundpools will then be registered to your Producerplanet.com user account.