Ok, a bit of a complicated mess here but I bought a phyisical copy of Magix Movie Edit last year. However, the hard drive that I put it on was in the process of dying so I attempted to save as much as I could and ended up getting most everything transferred to a brand new hard drive. However, I believe some of the files got corrupted because i couldn't open it from the new hard drive like I could from the old one. No problem I thought, ill just re-download it from magix website with my login info. Wrong again. It won't download because for some reason, the file that I switched from my old hard drive (drive E) still believes its on drive E even though it's now on my new hard drive (drive F). So Magix wont download because it says its already there (which it is, sort of). No problem, i thought, I'll just uninstall the old one. Wrong again. Apparently because the program still believes its on drive E, it wants to try to to use drive E to uninstall itself and if I go to control panel to uniinstall it, the magix uninstall popup window comes up and tells me that "Drive E is invalid". Well I would think so, its been out of my computer for 3 months now. Anyway I can bypass that popup window and delete straight from my computer using control panel? I really need some help here, this software is just putting me through loops.