TV Anti Cropping - What exactly does Magix mean by “…percent values closest to all four sides during playback on your TV”

Lugnut wrote on 8/16/2008, 3:20 PM


I’m in need of a Magix Movie edit pro guru 

Using Magix Movie edit pro 14 Plus on a PC running Windows XP

I'm finding that after burning to disc, the content of my video projects does not always fit on the television screen during playback.   I'm basically losing the outer edges of the video--menu screen included.

I've burned the "TV Anti Cropping" disc and played it back on my TV.  The play back text is as follows:

This project

helps to find

the correct


settings for

 your TV.


The edges of the


TV resolution

are cropped

 by most TVs.


What you see

on the screen

results from the

combination of your

TV and DVD player



To obtain the

correct anti-cropping

values, please

burn this

movie to a disc.



Anti-cropping might be


for the various

disc types:


mini DVD,or DVD!



Read off the

percent values

closest to all four

 sides during playback

on your TV.



these values

 are specific

to your current

TV or DVD settings:

16:9, Pal PLUS, Zoom!




for every disc type

 and device settings

individual values have

 to be ascertained.



Input the values into

the appropriate

edit fields of the

last tab of the

Effect settings dialog

                                              (Ctrl + B)!

A visual of the screen may be needed to fully answer my question.  However, I do not see any way of uploading screen shots onto this site. 
The best way I can describe the screen is that there are number percentages bordering the screen--2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, and 18%.  Each side (top, bottom, left, and right) has a row and each number is just a little further from the edge of the screen.  And there is a line next to each number value--vertical lines on the top and bottom and horizontal lines on the left and right.  The lines are positioned so they are closer to the edge of the screen than the number percentage
I need to know exactly what Magix means my "...percent values closest to all four sides during playback on your TV"--what is considered the closest value? 

When the number value touches the edge of my TV screen? 

When the line associated to the number value touches the edge of my TV? 

What number value do I need to note in order to adjust my burning settings?