I have twice now been led on an endless round of trying to create an account in your Samplitude forum.
It simply sends me around and around, saying that I have not passed the security check, changing the security challenge question each time and presenting me with a set of tiny, grainy, unviewable pictures in the reCAPTCHA box (or a choice of a fuzzed, white-noise-ridden untranscribable audio clip). Even when I get a clear picture in the reCAPTCHA box and am certain that I have correctly clicked all the boxes, I am sent back to the beginning.
Even trying to send a contact message from the Samplitude forum Sign-up page led me on an endless round of ReCAPTCHA boxes.
I am a long time user of several of your products and have just spent (more) good money on purchasing Samplitude Music Studio 2020.
May I please be let me into the forum?
Thank you.
Respectfully yours.