Title Templates aren't getting added to the timeline

nando_ wrote on 9/10/2023, 2:38 PM

I've been trying to add a title template to my timeline, specifically Fonts Basic BN Machine, and it will not add. I have 3 tracks currently used, and I have them locked so they won't be messed with. I'm trying to add the title to the fourth track, which is unlocked and empty. I am unable to drag and drop the template to the timeline and pressing the left button on the preview panel doesn't add it either. I'm using Movie Studio 2024 Version


emmrecs wrote on 9/11/2023, 4:30 AM


Welcome to the Magix user to user forums.

I'm running MMS 2024 Platinum, version (so it seems you may be one build behind in your version?) and drag and drop to the track and exact location I want to use works for me, but if you use the left button (I assume you mean the left and downward pointing arrow?) the title object is added to the end of track 3 if that track is unlocked but seemingly nowhere if you have locked that track!

I'm not sure whether this a "bug" (the "default" title track for MEP/MMS is 3) but I think you should raise a Support Ticket to at least ask whether this is intended behaviour.

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Last changed by emmrecs on 9/11/2023, 4:31 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

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Former user wrote on 9/11/2023, 7:07 AM

@emmrecs @nando_ Hi, I get the same result, MMS 2024 Suite, version with 'Automatic'

Drag n drop works fine but the downward pointing arrow insert button does nothing when the tracks are locked,

But if you change it to Single track ripple & selecting/highlighting in blue the chosen track, using the downward pointing arrow insert button it places the text after the cursor

browj2 wrote on 9/11/2023, 1:01 PM

@nando_ @Former user @emmrecs


I did my tests with VPX15 which should have the same problems as MMS2024 Platinum/Suite.

The program wants to place a title on track 3 by default. If there is something in the way on track 3, the title will be placed at the end of track 3. This has been on my Bug list with Magix for a few years. I told Magix that the program should look for the next available track or tracks (as some templates use multiple tracks).

Drag and drop should work even with track 3 (and 1 and 2) locked, as @Former user and @emmrecs have mentioned. Works for me.

The import button problem is not caused by locking track 3, but by locking track 1. Someone should confirm this in MMS2024. With objects on tracks 1 to 3 or 4, lock just track 1 and try the import button on a title template. It doesn't work. So this is were I see the bug.

To further confirm this, unlock track 1 but keep tracks 2, 3 (and 4) locked. Try the import button and the title should go to the end of track 3.

As I see it, the import button should still import the title if track 1 is locked. This problem of not being able to use the import button if track 1 is locked should be added to the bug.

In addition, I tried importing an image object from Templates, Image objects, Present, and the same problem occurs if track 1 is locked. The same problem occurs trying to use the import button on music/audio files under the Audio tab if you have any, like the free ones.

Other than DnD, select the track that you want to put the title on by clicking in the track header to turn it on - bluish. Then, importing the title will place it on that track at the location of the playback marker (unless track 1 is locked).

EDIT: @Former user, I just saw your post and I can confirm that, with a track selected, import mode Single track ripple (2) then using the import title button works. Mode 1 does not. Strange bug. Magix has a few things to figure out.

John CB

Last changed by browj2 on 9/11/2023, 1:07 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

John C.B.

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