
David-Pook wrote on 6/22/2022, 9:14 AM

I have great difficulty mixing tracks from 2 songs. Take the vocals from one and overlay onto the other track. I am using the Pitch & Tempo option and then selecting Timeshift & Pitchshift but its very difficult I am finding in ensuring the vocals from one track match the vocals in the other track in BPM. Difficulty aligning the beats with the vocals.

Anyone know a better or easier way???

Help please......!!


SP. wrote on 6/22/2022, 5:31 PM

@David-Pook Are you using the Remix Maker to align the two songs?

If the songs don't have a mechanically accurate tempo but natural deviations (like a real band played the song and not a machine), it is a really elaborate task to align them. You probably need to align serveral short pieces.

Tools like Melodyne can compute a tempo track out of an audio file and then automatically align mulitple other files to this tempo. This even works with a changing tempo throughout a song. Melodyne can also export the tempo track as a MIDI file to use in a DAW as a tempo guide (nothing useful for Music Maker since it is limited in functionality). It looks like the feature is available in the cheapest version of Melodyne (Essential) https://helpcenter.celemony.com/M5/doc/melodyneEssential5/en/M5tour_TempoDetectionIntro_2?env=standAlone

Maybe you should try the free demo version of Melodyne. Or maybe you already have Melodyne Essential? This version is often included in audio software packages as a bonus. Magix also often includes it in some of their software packages.

David-Pook wrote on 6/22/2022, 11:36 PM

@David-Pook Are you using the Remix Maker to align the two songs?

If the songs don't have a mechanically accurate tempo but natural deviations (like a real band played the song and not a machine), it is a really elaborate task to align them. You probably need to align serveral short pieces.

Tools like Melodyne can compute a tempo track out of an audio file and then automatically align mulitple other files to this tempo. This even works with a changing tempo throughout a song. Melodyne can also export the tempo track as a MIDI file to use in a DAW as a tempo guide (nothing useful for Music Maker since it is limited in functionality). It looks like the feature is available in the cheapest version of Melodyne (Essential) https://helpcenter.celemony.com/M5/doc/melodyneEssential5/en/M5tour_TempoDetectionIntro_2?env=standAlone

Maybe you should try the free demo version of Melodyne. Or maybe you already have Melodyne Essential? This version is often included in audio software packages as a bonus. Magix also often includes it in some of their software packages.

I Dont have Melodyne. I would prefer to use just one DAW to achieve what I want to do. Where is the Remix Maker you talk of on music maker?

