on the left, the screen is so huge, over the screen that I can`t close it or pin to the Magix program (to below, where it should be)
what I have to do to get it right again..???
payed huge money for what.. only problems.
that`s the thing- cos of that ptoblem, I have no File, Save (as MP3, AVI) etc buttons (upper page). so, can`t do nothing.. unless there`s another way that I don`t know..
It looks like you have the midi editor open and somehow managed to get the MM arranger window overtop. Normally this does not happen. Did you open a second MM session?
Close the midi window. There should be an ok button at the bottom right. Move the arranger window if you can't see the button.
Then press on F4 to get the standard view back. You have to be out of the midi editor to do this.
What is the window in the upper right? The video monitor?
I don't understand what you mean by ".....(to below, where it should be)." Is this the view that you get when you open the program?
I suggest that you read the manual if you haven't already done so. Shortcuts are listed towards the end of the manual. Most problems that people have are user-inflicted.
I can get my Music Maker into a similar situation however I do not lose the close buttons off screen as in your image.
Because you have no access to the close buttons in the Midi editor - to get out of this situation do the following:
1 While holding down the ALT key press F4 once - a close dialog should pop up asking if you want to save the arrangement - click Donot save arrangement - the program will close.
2 Using Windows Explorer search your hard drive for a file called musicmaker.ini - you need to set the search to look in hidden folders - how you do this depends on your version of Windows.
3 The search will find several versions of the ini file - you need to delete or rename the musicmaker.ini file which is the largest in size.
4 Restart Music Maker - the window arrangement should be back to normal.
You answer is not helpful. Perhaps you can describe how you got the screens that are showing in your screen shot.
What is it that you don't know how to do? Drag a window? Close a window? Where the F4 key is located on your keyboard? We can't help without more information and without your positive participation.
Did you try closing the midi window, the one in the back with the keyboard to the left? Click on the window to make it active or drag the other window that is overtop of the midi keyboard to the left, or close it (the x button at the top right).
Did you try closing the program and reopening it?. Alt+F4. I doubt that MM would open with the screens as shown.