Steam maker no work

Aldo-Oliva wrote on 5/7/2022, 7:23 AM

Hello everyone. I have acid pro 10 but I am a very old user of Acid pro I started in 2000, I have used Acid pro for many years years since version 2 which was owned by "Sonic Foundry" then I kept using it when it became owned by "Sony" and now I still use it in "Magix"...

The thing is that recently I got excited and bought an offer of acid pro suite, and my nightmare began because now I've realized that in my version of acid pro suite there is no team maker and neither in my acid pro 10. besides that it is giving me audio failures.

Steam maker is shown in the tool selection menu but not in the toolbar.

I am annoyed because I use that tool and I have not been able to contact support, there is a lot of information that does not lead me to direct online assistance...

So if anyone from support reads this please fix it, I'm worried that for the first time I need help in years and can't get it.

I want to buy vegas pro because I want to start making video, but now I have doubts about the current quality of technical support. thank you.


SP. wrote on 5/7/2022, 7:29 AM

@Aldo-Oliva Use this free tool as a replacement Spleeter will give you much better quality but needs a lot of RAM if you want to process complete songs at once. I would recommend a computer with 16 GB RAM.

Stem Maker was removed because there was a license issue between Magix and Zynaptiq. The tool never came back.

Aldo-Oliva wrote on 7/9/2022, 9:09 AM

Hello, first thank you very much for the good intentions of help, I have 32 megs of Ram which is enough for most audio programs, About the tool that you have shared with me it does not solve the problem of Acid Pro, I need my acid pro working Well, I have paid for the versions I have and nobody gives me any reason or help and they only send me more upgrade offers but when I read they do not mention anything about the steam maker... this is very frustrating and makes me not want to buy anything else from MAGIX ... and believe me that when I find something good or disappointing, I can't stop telling about it on my social networks... where 90% of my contacts are DJs and most of them work with sound editing... I am upset and disappointed in this relatively new owner of the sonic foundry heritage... MAGIX bad the support does not respond to you...
- En español:
Hola, primero muchas gracias por las buenas intenciones de ayuda, Tengo 32 megas de Ram lo cual es suficiente para la mayoria de programas de audio, Sobre la herramienta que me has compartido no soluciona el problema de Acid Pro, yo necesito mi acid pro funcionando bien, he pagado por las versiones que tengo y nadie me da razon ni ayuda y solo me envian mas ofertas de actualizacion pero al leer no mencionan nada del steam maker.. esto es muy frustrante y me quita las ganas de comprarles nada mas a MAGIX... y creanme que cuando yo cuando algo meparece bueno o me decepciono no paro de contarlo en mis redes sociales... donde el 90% de contactos que tengo son DJs y la mayoria  trabajan con edicion de sonido...
estoy molesto y decepcionado de este relativamente nuevo propietario de la herencia de sonic foundry... MAGIX malo el soporte no te responden...

SP. wrote on 7/9/2022, 9:39 AM

@Aldo-Oliva Stem Maker is gone in ACID 10.0.5. There is nothing you can do about it unless you install an earlier version of ACID Pro 10 because earlier versions still include Stem Maker. But Stem Makers audio quality was horrible compared to SpleeterGUI.

Currently I highly recommend RipX DeepRemix to create stems. Its results are pretty impressive and it's not too expensive compared to tools like iZotope RX, which doesn't even create stems on the same quality level.

Aldo-Oliva wrote on 7/9/2022, 1:10 PM

Once again "thank you for the good intentions to help."
I consider that a forum answer is not enough. they shouldn't have removed the steam maker tool. They have seen me waste a lot of time trying to solve what was happening, all because according to the facts they show, it did not even occur to them to warn them, now what there is is a response in this forum from someone who seems to have the intention of helping in some way but that it is not known what authority he has to answer for this outrage. but users like me still do not see that the representatives of Acid take responsibility for this mess, that despite complying with the policies of being able to change the functions without prior notice, it continues to be an abuse and rudeness towards its clients.
Una vez mas "gracias por las buenas intenciones de ayudar".
considero que una respuesta de foro no es suficiente.
no debieron quitar la herramienta de steam maker. Me han checho perder bastante tiempo tratando de resolver que ocurria, todo porque segun los hechos muestran, ni por asomo se les ocurrio avizar, ahora lo que hay es una respuesta en este foro de alguien que se ve tiene intenciones de ayudar de alguna forma pero que no se sabe que autridad posee para responder por este atropello.
mas los usuarios como yo seguimos sin ver que los representantes de Acid tomen responzabilidad por este atopello, que apesar de cumplir con las politicas de poder cambiar sin previo avizo las funciones sigue siendo un abuso y una descortesia hacia sus clientes.

SP. wrote on 7/9/2022, 1:22 PM

@Aldo-Oliva If I remember correctly ACID Pro 10 users got five or more coupon codes for ACID loop packs for free as a compensation. I'm not sure which version you bought but currently Stem Maker isn't advertised any longer as a feature. Maybe you've seen old YouTube videos showing this feature.

Aldo-Oliva wrote on 7/9/2022, 1:39 PM

This is abuse and inconsiderate treatment of your clients like me 😡. The tool that they propose as a solution does not sound better than the one that they have eliminated and to top it off, in addition to being an external application (with the loss of time that this implies) it is uncomfortable to use, it occupies 1GB of installation and consumes a lot of ram.. In what obtuse criterion is this a solution?
- Español:
Esto es abuso y trato desconsiderado a sus clientes como yo 😡. la herramienta que proponen como solucion no suena mejor que la que han eliminado y para colmo ademas de ser una aplicacion externa (con la perdida de tiempo que esto implica) es incomodo de usar, ocupa 1gb de instalacion y consume un monton de ram... ¿en que criterio obtuso esto es una solucuon?

SP. wrote on 7/9/2022, 2:25 PM

@Aldo-Oliva This is just my proposed solution to your problem and it's free. Magix didn't offer any alternative. Like I wrote, you need to install an earlier version than ACID Pro 10.0.5 to reactivate Stem Maker. And if you think that Stem Maker sounded better than Spleeter you are incorrect. Spleeter needs 1 GB of space for the pre-trained AI model. Every stem creation software takes up this much space. It is how it is.

Graham-Hawker wrote on 7/9/2022, 3:16 PM

This is abuse and inconsiderate treatment of your clients like me 😡. The tool that they propose as a solution does not sound better than the one that they have eliminated and to top it off, in addition to being an external application (with the loss of time that this implies) it is uncomfortable to use, it occupies 1GB of installation and consumes a lot of ram.. In what obtuse criterion is this a solution?

This is a user forum. We are not Magix and SP is a user like anyone else except he also kind and considerate proving valuable advice on this forum. SP has provided the only possible solution. It is not a Magix solution but a helpful idea.