Dear Sirs, For several years I used Vegas Pro 14 without any problems, last year I upgraded the program to Vegas Pro 18, but not everything works as it should. My biggest problem is with the stabilization feature, which has to be done here as the last of all the video edits used. Then, when I make another adjustment, because some things only come out after applying stabilization, I have to use stabilization again. However, it is often chopped when re-applied, and chopping will take effect even after the video is rendered, which is unacceptable. There are also problems with placing text with a preselected display effect in the video. During playback, the entire image is chopped and cannot be viewed normally (even with the best full preview setting). Can you please advise me how to fix these errors? Thank you. Robert W.
Stabilization and chopping Vegas 18
wrote on 1/24/2021, 4:46 AM