Soundtrack slower than video MEP17plus

AaronzDad wrote on 5/31/2012, 10:48 PM

MEP17plus verion (UC2)

My Computer:
 - QuadCore intel i7 920
 - 5GB memory
 - ATI Radeon 5570 graphics card

I've checked to make sure I have the up to date version.

I've tried "reset program settings to default".

I've tried several different video clips.

I've tried right clicking and choosing "create new frame table". 

When I import the movie to MEP17 it informs me
"The active movie has a resolution of blah blah blah
The file XYZ.mp4 has a resolution of blah blah blah
If you wish to adjust the movie and video monitor settings to the imported file, click on "Adjust". "

I've tried clicking the "Adjust" button...
and I've tried clicking the "Do Not Adjust" button.

I've tried screaming at the computer and begging desperately.

I've tried dancing a jig in the street in the rain at midnight with a banana in my ear during a full moon on a Thursday.

I've tried a bottle of Tequila.

The Tequila worked but only temporarily. 

Actually I think the Tequila came before the dancing part. 

I have numerous mp4 movie files on my computer. They are all shot with my Samsung android phone.
When I use MEP17 to open any of those files the sound is always running slower than the video. By six or seven minutes in the synch is off by 15 seconds or so.


I'm opening the mp4 files from the folder on my computer where I saved them to. They play just fine in Windows Media Player so there's nothing wrong with the files. Every single file does the exact same thing.

I'm sure it's a simple setting somewhere and I'm being dense. Please shine a light on me. Someone. Anyone.




john-auvil wrote on 6/1/2012, 1:31 PM

To me it seems that the codec used for the audio sample from the Samsung device is at a different sample rate then that of what the program uses for its audio sample rate.

Is there a way you could share a sample of this audio/video so I could play with it to see if I can change the audio sample rate one way or the other to see if my theory holds tequila or not?



AaronzDad wrote on 6/1/2012, 3:31 PM

I would be happy to share a video clip with you.

How on earth do I do that? If you want to share your email with me in a private message here I could email it to you or if there is some way of sharing here on this site let me know.

Thanks a million!


AaronzDad wrote on 6/7/2012, 2:28 AM

I contacted the company and sent them a sample video to work with. Apparently there isn't a fix for this in MEP17 so I had to upgrade to 18MX

Just for future reference for anyone who finds this thread.