Soundpools aren't staying in MMM15

Sanettei wrote on 9/17/2009, 8:58 PM
before anyone jumps on me, i've searched for answers on this site for several hours now and STILL haven't found a solution.

i have Magix Music Maker 15 Premium, and i have a couple different Soundpools.

I've tried adding these soundpools to Music Maker 15 but they won't stay. I've added them using the "Add Styles" option in Music Maker 15, but everytime i open the program after closing it, those soundpools aren't listed anymore. I always have to manually add them back in using the "Add Styles" option.

Is this how it's supposed to work or am i doing something wrong?
Oh! also, the files are .WAV format...could THIS be why it's not working?



Clevo wrote on 9/18/2009, 12:54 AM
You are doing nothing wrong per se and the program is working as it should. I had this issue too and scratched my head till it was raw...

Adding styles as much as I can work out, only adds them for that session you are working with. Later sessions you will noticve that the name stays in the soundpool file but the actual sound it's self is not there and has to be re added.

I'm still trying to figure how this works out for myself but I believe you then have to copy it, by right clicking and selecting copy to make it available permanently.

Hopefully, someone who knows more than me will give a definitive answer. I'm not at home at the moment.

BTW...wav files are a valid format for a sound sample.

ralftaro wrote on 9/18/2009, 5:33 AM

Sounds like what you two are experiencing might be some database or rights-related issue. What operating system are you running and what account type (e.g. admin, restricted user) are you running the software under? Are the soundpools installed in the default location where the program put them or are you importing samples from a different location on your hard drive? If so, where exactly is that located? Also, make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the database server/system that the soundpool management is built on. You can download that from Magix, e.g. directly from this URL:

Install that and see whether it takes care of the problem.

Good luck!

Clevo wrote on 9/18/2009, 7:27 AM
I'm running MMM15Prem in Vista runs fine. The soundpools I have are on a cd/dvd which have been backed up on a external hard drive as an iso file which I mount on a virtual DVD player. I can then import either a sample or a whole group using the Add Styles function.

I don;t copy any sounpools into the database. Though it does give me the option to do so (from memory it's when I right click it).

In the next session of using MMM15Prem if I look at the soundpool I used before the name and instruments are listed but all the icons are dark meaning they are "off line". It's easy for me to re-mount these samples & loops. It saves me from having soundpools duplicated (in my case) in two different areas.

I'm assuming this is a normal function of the what I was saying in previous post
Kabeshan wrote on 9/18/2009, 10:02 AM
I think u should update the firebird database. i also had this problems
NoTurning wrote on 9/19/2009, 7:43 AM
This is not a normal function of the program - next (after following Ralftaro's instructions) ensure they are installed properly or copied to your hard drive. If they remain on removable media like the DVD they will disappear after each session.

Get them into a static location (I prefer a second hard drive) and then add them within magix.
Gwhizzer wrote on 4/14/2014, 6:16 AM

I too am having the same issue.  I have also tried installing Music Maker on other PCs and all installations have the same issue that they will not retain installed soundpools on EVERY PC.  I have contacted Magix Support and they got me to try the following without success;

1) Start up Music Maker with full admin rights by right-clicking on it and using "Run as administrator", rather than the usual left/double-click. Now add the soundpools to the database. - DID NOT WORK

2) Add exceptions into the internet security firewall for the following files;

C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Music Maker 2014 Premium\MusicMaker.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MAGIX Services\Database_ff6bd\bin\FABS.exe - DID NOT WORK

3) Start up the program and bring up the program settings (e.g. "P" key). Tick the option to "Use installed Soundpool even after reset" and then push the "Reset Soundpool" button. Now, please check whether this has actually made the soundpool styles appear in the soundpool manager. If yes, please check whether they will now stay beyond the restart of the program. - DID NOT WORK

4) There's also a suspicion that possibly the program isn't terminating properly when you end your sesssions and shut it down. Do you notice any indications on closing the program that that might be the case (e.g. programs hangs or crashes at that stage with any kind of error message)? It could also be a "silent" crash. Please check, after closing down the program, under the following location on your hard drive, whether you can find a crash dump file there and match up such a dump file with the time of shutting down the program:

C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX\Music Maker 2014 Premium\Crash - DID NOT WORK.

MAGIX are still investigating this issue for me and I will let you all know if I have success with any of the suggestions put to me.  Also, if anyone has success with any of the above, great for you and please let us know what worked for you.