I Just purchased some new sound pools and a new instrument. After downloading and restarting I have not been able to use my sound pools. the photo shows the message
From the error message C:\Portal 6_ogg.h0 cannot be created shows the program is trying to create a supporting file directly in the root of the C: drive - this is not being allowed by Windows and would suggest you have either put the files on to an external USB drive or changed the Audiotemp file location in the program settings folders tab.
The folder locations where the .H0 support files and other files should be created is
The default folder C:\Users\Username\Documents\MAGIX\Music Maker\AudioTemp or a folder that is inside your Documents folder or on a second drive if you have one.
If you have an external USB drive and set the AudioTemp folder location to this drive, then the USB ports powering down may cause this issue - you should set the USB ports to never power down if possible. The external drive itself going to sleep should not be an issue.
I think my operating system was damaged, because after that I could not open any of my apps, they literally disappeared. I just reinstalled my operating system and now I'm reinstalling everything from their original installation folder.