you can only use one voucher for a single item up to the value of the coupon, so if you only used $10 you would lose the other $10 from $20 coupon, so it would be advisable to purchase close to the maximum credit on coupon.
you cannot use multiple coupons for one product.
Extract from terms and conditions below:
”Within one order, only one coupon may be redeemed. Using multiple vouchers for one order is not possible. Online vouchers can only be redeemed from the corresponding country, where MAGIX has issued the online voucher.
Check very carefully the Soundpools that are installed before using the coupons, and note that once redeemed against a purchase you cannot change your mind.
@herc You need to configure the audio driver in the program settings. Please check the PDF manual in the Help menu. It explains everything in detail with many images.
Thanks. I can hear them now and managed to download aload of soundpool but im finding it difficult to connect third party vsts. i downloaded and paid £8 for a pluging that allows me to add third party vsts but so far its only allowed me to add one. Have I missunderstood?
@herc Are you trying to add instruments or effects?
At first make sure, that the VST plugin feature is enabled for Music Maker by downloading and installing it from the shop. Then you need to install the VST plugins you want to use. If you don't download and install them from in in-app-store you need to open the program settings and go to the Folders/Paths tab. There you need to open the VST path settings. Here you need to add the main folder where all your plugins are installed and then scan the folder. The plugins can now be used. If you download and install plugins from the in-app-store this should all be done automatically.
VST instruments can be added by clicking on the plus symbol in the track header or by dragging and dropping them from the instruments tab. Only one instrument is possible per track.
VST effects can by added to tracks by clicking on the yellow FX button in the track header, then on Audio FX rack, then on the plus button in the bottom left corner of the Track FX window.
You can add effects to individual audio object via the plus button in the object editor.
Multiple VST effect plugins can be placed on each track or audio object.