sound output from acl17 project is not smooth

mikehalliday wrote on 9/7/2011, 1:38 AM

I am using ACL17, Windows7 64bit Ultimate, EMU 1616M sound card.

When I record from an external input into ACL17 the replayed sound is bad - sounds like it has been recorded under water!

I am assuming this is some kind of format or sampling rate problem, but I have tried everything I can think of and still can't get the output right.

Need some ideas on what to look at to fix this please.




Siemjongman wrote on 9/7/2011, 2:34 AM

You must close your line in on your sound cart

mikehalliday wrote on 9/7/2011, 5:42 AM

Hi and thanks for your answer.

I'm not sure what you mean by closing the line in - do you mean disconnect the external source?

It could be I have not explained myself well in the question - if I record a project from an external source and then reload the project to "clean" the recording the sound is not right.


Sorry if I'm being dum!



Siemjongman wrote on 11/19/2011, 2:00 AM

You should go to the speakers of the lower-right corner of windows 7 and there the line input off