Sound Forge & SSDs

TR_Mala wrote on 4/2/2023, 6:55 AM

A question for some of the more knowledgeable folks here about my hardware:

My primary drive (C:) is an SSD, which stores Windows and all of my apps. I noticed the uptick in speed immediately when I switched from an HDD drive years ago. Never going back! My audio/video files, however, are still stored on an HDD drive (D:). Will moving them to a new SSD improve my workflow as far as speed goes? The price of a 4TB SSD has now come down to a price I can finally afford. Should I pull the trigger? Will switching produce the same speed improvements as my primary drive or does the fact that the media files reside on a separate physical drive negate any speed improvements? Thanks!


rraud wrote on 4/2/2023, 10:09 AM

Will moving them to a new SSD improve my workflow as far as speed goes?

No... but large new files may initially load 'slightly' faster though.
Do not reinstall Sound Forge or move any of the program files to a D: drive though. The temporary and record files folder should be on the primary C; drive as well. If you work with lossy type files, enabling "Always proxy compressed format" is usually recommended, especially if the files are on a secondary or external drive.

TR_Mala wrote on 4/2/2023, 10:36 AM

Thank you, rraud, for your response. Is my processing speed when applying effects and/or plug-ins is limited to my CPU and RAM?

rraud wrote on 4/2/2023, 11:25 AM

Yes, once the file is loaded to SF. The file may render (save/save as) a little faster to a SSD but most of the preview processing is CPU and RAM. The save/render time may vary some depending more on the plug-in chainer mode as well (if used) then the drive destination.