@Paul-Weiler If it doesn't work over a week I would suspect that it's something on your end. Otherwise the forum would likely be full of similar reports.
Have you tried to reset the program settings under the File menu?
Yes, my tts files come back as 16bit, 24kHz Mono files.
The text I am trying to convert to speech is from a pdf file. I am dragging and dropping the text into the MAGIXHub program. Perhaps this is the problem. Does anyone know what files can be dragged and dropped into MAGICHub?
@Paul-Weiler What happens if you type in some other text? I wouldn't be surprised if copy-pasting text from a PDF includes some invisible characters that might throw the audio generation off.
Yes, I saw on the screenshots your files are 16bit, 24kHz Mono. I personally can not test this, because I don't own SF18. But maybe @rraud can confirm that this is the same on his TTS files. If not, then this might be one problem why it's just white noise.
If I open my pdf file in my internet browser (Firefox) and I drag and drop one page of text into MAGICHub, the program creates the proper speech file (see attachment).
To retest, I copied / pasted a paragraph of text from a Sound Forge PDF manual to the hub's TTS field and clicked 'download' after choosing the AI 'person' and adjusting the speed and pitch to my liking. A 48k/16 bit mono file was placed on the timeline. The download destination is C:\Users\rraud\AppData\Local\MAGIX\SOUND FORGE Pro\18\.. which is the location I have set for temp and recorded files: The file name is: "tts-01-03-2025-19_24_01.wav."